In collaboration with Jubilee Life Insurance, we envision to provide you with an online term assurance cover that provides a guaranteed lump sum, payable if the policyholder dies within the term of the policy. It offers genuine financial security to dependents when they need it most and is a cost-effective way to transfer inheritance. Its unique features are convenient self sign-up and survival benefits offered for policies of five years and above.
Product Specification
Premiums are determined by life assured’s age, level of cover selected and policy term. They are paid annually on an advance basis and the minimum Sum Assured is KES. 500,000. Maximum is Kes. 3,000,000
Survival benefit is annual premiums x (Policy Term – 1) applicable for 5 years and above e.g. If annual premium is Kes. 20,000 and policy term is 5 years then survival benefit = 20,000 x (5–1) = 80,000.
100% of Sum Assured payable to the named beneficiary at death of the life assured by any cause during the premium paying term.
Allows surrender after 3rd year of being in force for policies of 5 years and above.
The policy term ranges from 1 to 10 years and the premium will be payable for the policy term selected or until death of the life assured if it occurs within the term.
The minimum and maximum ages at entry are 18 years and 60 years respectively & the maximum age at maturity is 70 years.
Now, don’t wait until it’s too late to secure your loved ones’ future. Do it now & be assured, we will come through for them!
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